Every new business relationship starts with a conversation.

Sometimes that conversation happens in person. Maybe it’s at an industry convention, or a networking event. Sometimes it’s in line at the coffee shop, or while chatting with another parent at your kid’s game.

So many times, though, that conversation begins when your prospect reads a piece of your marketing copy.

Effective copy informs and educates your prospects about your company, products and services. It showcases your unique skills and expertise that makes potential customers want what you offer. That’s important. But that’s not all it does.

Great copy also begins the conversation with your prospects by showing that your organization is made up of real people who are dedicated to serving their needs. It helps them see you as accessible, friendly and helpful. It makes them confident that you can solve their problems while being easy to communicate and do business with.

It’s a tall order for the written word, but that is what good copywriting does. It starts your conversation with your customers and keeps them coming back to you.


I’m Carol Hillegas, and I can help you start and maintain those conversations.

I’ve been developing and writing copy since early in my career, even though my job descriptions never mentioned anything about copywriting!

I designed and wrote sales brochures for a small contracting company I worked for.

When I was working at a large, national insurance company, I wrote a quarterly newsletter for a specialized unit of that company that was sent to this unit’s producers (agents and brokers).

For this same insurance company, I developed and wrote detailed – but easily understood – training materials that were used both internally by employees and externally by producers.

Since writing these projects were some of my favorite hours on the job, and since my work got great results and fantastic feedback, I realized that writing copy is what I should be doing full-time.

I’m an AWAI-trained Direct Response Copywriter, and a member of the Professional Writers’ Alliance.

But the most important thing you need to know about me is that I love helping businesses and nonprofits grow and flourish with customized copy that gets results.

Let’s talk about how I can help you.

Carol Hillegas | carol.hillegas@libertycopy.com | 623-533-0894